Customize your Dashboard -
make it your own!
By Martin Tølle, Business Architect, QualiWare
Too much or too little information can confuse. And there is no reason to waste time and energy on information that might be useful for one of your colleagues but not for you.
Therefore, we created a new dashboard feature in QualiWare X 10.8 that allows you and your colleagues to customize your Dashboards to easily access the information you need. And you can always change the Dashboards again when you want to.
Three steps to create a unique dashboard:
Step 1: Configure the Dashboard based on roles or people (admins only)
When you configure dashboards for yourself and your colleagues, you can choose a role-based configuration – or create one based on the specific user’s needs. The configuration determines what information and functions will be accessible from the particular Dashboard. This way, as an administrator, you ensure that your colleagues only get access to the information they need and are relevant for their role in the organization.
Image 1: Browsing Layout

Image 2: Analyzing and Improving Layout

Step 2: Choose a layout
When you have configured the dashboards for yourself and your colleagues, every user can choose between different layouts. A dashboard layout is always a question of taste, needs, and requirements, and the same diagrams can be viewed in several ways. Everyone can easily choose and change a layout in the menu.

Step 3: Drag and drop – enlarge or hide
All items on the Dashboard can be re-sized and reorganized by drag and drop, and you can also hide selected items. This way, everyone can choose to see exactly the information they need in their job – and make sure that the most critical information gets a central location on the Dashboard.

The personal layout can be saved by the user, and if needed the user can reload the standard layout at any time.