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SAAB relies on QualiWare to stay compliant with regulations and standards

Saab is a well-known name in the defense industry, with operations around the globe. To keep up with the many regulations and standards they need to follow, Saab uses QualiWare. Learn more in this interview with Kristin Lilja, Process architect, Global Management System, Saab AB, and Albert Karlhagen, IT Business Consultant, Nexer Group.

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GPV has built a Global Management System with QualiWare

How do you build a global quality system that unites a company with numerous manufacturing sites on three different continents and customers across highly diverse industries such as MedTech, Industrial, and Transportation? GPV has done it.

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Everflow's Onboarding Journey with QualiWare EA

Everflow became a QualiWare customer in spring 2024, and this is the first time we have created a customer story with a brand new client. We thought it would be interesting to spotlight an onboarding process and the expectations a company can have when they require an EA tool.

Everflow is the fastest-growing utilities company in the UK. They have been featured in the Financial Times' top 1000 fastest-growing companies in Europe for two consecutive years! Stewart McSporran from Everflow agreed to do this interview during the lively atmosphere at IRM UK, filled with noise, chatter, and laughter. 
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Enterprise-Wide EA and Compliance Platform in COOP

Long before the turn of the millennium, QualiWare was somewhat of a niche tool within Coop, utilized by only a few individuals in the IT department to gain an overview of the application landscape. However, it has since transformed into a system that is widely adopted throughout the organization, with numerous users capable of independently maintaining data. This includes its use by the finance department to document financial processes in relation to internal and external audits, GDPR, and ESG, effectively serving as a compliance tool. Read our interview with Enterprise Architect at Coop, Pernille Damtoft. 

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QualiWare is a vital EA Tool for q.beyond

q.beyond is a German IT services provider supporting clients In the whole value creation chain for IT services. 

Karsten Kriese, senior portfolio manager, and Oliver Loukota, enterprise architect, explain why QualiWare is a vital and powerful tool for q.beyond.

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SOS International keeps all Business Processes centralized and up-to-date with QualiWare

SOS International is one of the leading assistance organizations in the Nordic region. For more than 20 years SOS International has been using QualiWare for Process and Compliance Management.  "I work in QualiWare almost every day, and I enjoy that I can put things in systems and boxes - everything has its place - and you can always find it again, " explains Freja Pedersen (TQM Coordinator at SOS International). 

Watch customer story: SOS International
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CloseReach is QualiWare's Strategic Partner in Canada

Kevin O'Rourke, President of CloseReach, and Kirill Kasyanenko, Sales Executive and Senior Business Analyst at CloseReach, explain their enduring collaboration with QualiWare.
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SPRINT365 accelerates ERP implementations with QualiWare

Sprint365 is a Danish consultancy specializing in efficient Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O implementations, completed within an impressive timeframe of just 30 days. To consistently achieve outstanding results and provide flawless implementations to their clients, Sprint365 relies on QualiWare.

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FOSS is breathing new life into their Quality Management System with QualiWare

In the heart of the Danish company FOSS, a transformative journey is underway. FOSS has clients worldwide – from large industrial factories to French wine growers. 
FOSS specializes in crafting instruments for food-related businesses, ensuring that farmers receive fair compensation for their produce, consumers are safeguarded against health hazards, and industries maintain stable and reliable processes. With over 99% of their products being exported worldwide, FOSS plays an important role in the global food industry.
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KK Wind Solutions uses QualiWare as Management System and onboarding tool

KK Wind Solutions uses QualiWare as a management system and onboarding tool in one. The result? Excellent overview of the whole organization, and onboarding is smoother and easier than ever.

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Danish Decommissioning

Danish Decommissioning (DD) is undergoing an exciting transformation, and the people working there have been given a challenging new mission. Not only must they continue their original work of completely dismantling the old nuclear facilities on the Danish peninsula, Risø. Now they must also plan for managing Denmark's radioactive waste for a much longer period than they had originally planned for.

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With the use of QualiWare, Vodacom have created a centralised repository to manage their audits, non-conformances, and risks regarding ISO standards. They have also leveraged the QualiWare Governance Workflow Engine to ensure that change requests are managed and implemented in a timely manner. Furthermore, the full application landscape as well as the Architecture Review Board is managed within QualiWare.  

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“We faced variations between the way our employees performed work and how work was described in our procedural manuals. This is important because both the commercial airline and aerospace industries place demands on us based on safety concerns.”

Bertil Andersson / GKN Aerospace / Project Leader and Manager for Operational Management Systems & Process Management

KZN Department of Transport

The KZN Department of Transport, found themselves with an IT budget and the will to implement initiatives, but a lack of a well-defined roadmap which stipulates where the budget should be spent. 

Learn how QualiWare solved this problem, how the implementation went as well as which additional benefits they experienced.

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GKN Aerospace Space

GKN Aero Space saves millions on web based operational management system: With the implementation of a web-based Operational Management System (OMS), GKN Aerospace has assembled a multi-lingual management system into one repository holding 18 strategic quality certificates. Simultaneously, the company has also increased customer satisfaction and saved millions in direct operating costs.

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Building a common Enterprise Architecture with QualiWare at Equinor for improved APM

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“QualiWare Lifecycle Manager (QLM) is the foundation of our quality management system. The ability to manage work processes, application portfolios, and government regulations and legislative mandates in a single tool allow us to continuously improve company performance. ”

Harald Wesenberg / Equinor IT / Discipline Advisor for Enterprise Architecture on the Corporate Staff of IS

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