Quick access to relevant information is crucial for completing tasks correctly and safely. That’s why QualiWare developed an AR app—to ensure you can access your company’s quality system anywhere, even when you’re far from your PC. You simply scan a QR code with your phone to retrieve the information you need.
The app will be available in the upcoming release, QualiWare 10.10.
Why Quick Access to Information Matters
In manufacturing companies, the number of rules, processes, and instructions that employees must adhere to is growing. But if the necessary knowledge is not easily accessible, it can lead to errors, inefficiency, and, in the worst cases, workplace accidents.
Imagine an employee operating a machine for the first time without access to the manual. Or an experienced technician needing to repair a newer model of an older machine. In both scenarios, quick access to up-to-date information is crucial.
When knowledge is easily accessible, the likelihood that employees will actually look up the information increases. This reduces the risk of errors and accidents while simultaneously increasing efficiency. And it saves time and makes the workday easier for employees.
How QualiWare's AR App Works
With QualiWare’s new AR app, employees can quickly find information from the company’s quality system built on QualiWare. The app works by scanning a QR code on a machine, immediately displaying relevant data such as:
- * How to use the machine.
- * Safety instructions.
- * Environmental aspects and regulatory requirements.
- * Work processes and logistics.
All of this is presented visually on the phone’s screen and in some cases, supplemented with AR elements such as floating text highlighting key functions on the machine.
Key Features of the AR App
The AR app, which comes with QualiWare 10.10., focuses on QR code recognition, providing access to:
- * Manuals and safety instructions, PDF files and links to QualiWare or public resources.
- * AR elements on the screen highlighting key functions on the machine.
QualiWare is already planning the next step, which is image recognition: This will enable the app to identify different objects such as cars without using QR codes.
From Concept to Reality: Collaboration with MADE
QualiWare’s CEO, Kuno Brodersen, came up with the original idea for a QualiWare AR app about 3 years ago:
“I thought, what if information from a quality system could appear when you held your phone up to a machine, so you could see the maintenance process and what to do if something happened,” says Kuno Brodersen.
This became the starting point for a project in collaboration with MADE (Manufacturing Academy of Denmark). The project led to an early version of the app, that was tested by some of QualiWare's customers, and their feedback was positive:
“They were very positive about the tool. Their and our experience is that this active communication within the operational organization simply reduces the risk of making mistakes,” says Kuno Brodersen.
AR app is part of the upcoming QualiWare version 10.10
With the AR app, QualiWare takes another step towards making quality systems more user-friendly and accessible.
The AR app will be part of the upcoming release, QualiWare 10.10.