Digital Twin

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Digital Twin

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Guide: How to select the perfect candidate for your Digital Twin

By Kevin Bowles, Product Owner: Enterprise Architecture, QualiWare

Guide: How to select the perfect candidate for your Digital Twin

By Kevin Bowles, Product Owner: Enterprise Architecture, QualiWare

A Digital Twin can be any asset or resource of your organization. But it should be objectively measurable and should add some real value to the organization.

Step 1: Create a Digital Twin of the Organization

To realize the benefits of a Digital Twin, it is a good idea to model a Digital Twin of the Organization first.   In other words, it is helpful to draw a map of the entire organization's essential components before selecting the specific area you wish to focus on. 

This is not essential, but in the long term, it does help to identify business areas or assets that are candidates to become a digital twin.

Step 2: Have a look at the Business Capabilities

When discussing which asset or resource to select as a candidate for your Digital Twin, it is a good idea to look at your organization's business capabilities. 

Business capabilities describe the abilities of the organization at different levels. Business capabilities require resources from the organization, delivered through people, processes, etc. 

We suggest you map your organization's capabilities in the Capability Business Model in QualiWare. 

In this model, a capability can be described and rated according to its business importance, current maturity, and target maturity. This helps you identify the perfect candidate for your digital twin.

The picture above: Business Capability Model in QualiWare

Example: an Airport
Business capabilities such as Passenger Security or Passenger Handling facilitate the delivery of the purpose or mandate of the organization (Airport).

Looking at the Business Capability Model, we select “Passenger Security” as the perfect candidate for our Digital Twin. It is of great business importance but has low current maturity.
Get our user tip on Capability Models

Step 3: Have a look at the Customer Journey

Another relevant view of your organization when deciding on a candidate for a Digital Twin is the outside-in view. 

This means that you get your customer’s perception of your organization. In QualiWare, you can map this view in a Customer Journey Map. 

Picture above: Customer Journey Map in QualiWare

Example: Airport

The Customer Journey Map shows that “Security Control” has a low customer satisfaction rating. So, we are reaffirmed that Customer Security is the perfect candidate for our Digital Twin. 

Hence, we select “Passenger Security” as our candidate for a Digital Twin.
Get our user tip on Customer Journeys

Next steps in our example

Now that we know, that “Passenger Security” is the subject for our Digital Twin, our objective is to: 

  • Identify the exact processes & supporting architecture assets that contribute to our digital twin candidate.
  • Establish a baseline for acceptable tolerance levels; for example, what is the maximum time a customer should have to wait before moving through security? 
  • Obtain regular production data from the customer satisfaction terminals.
  • Establish the business rules regarding how many personnel are allocated to security, 
  • And build our Digital Twin!
Get the guide: How to build a Digital Twin

QualiWare named as Technology Leader

Quadrant Knowledge Solutions has published its “SPARK Matrix™: 

Digital Twin of an Organization, 2022”, naming QualiWare as Technology Leader.

Get the SPARK Matrix report here

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